
These are sample publicly-available work products.

Transparency of Enrollment Data

Education is one of the most personal and emotional things a family deals with.  As a parent of two little ones, I know this well.  To help support productive conversations, it is imperative that we ground conversations in data and be as transparent as possible with this information.  In my role at DPS, I expanded the sharing of information to the community: families, school leaders, and non-profits.  

One key example is detailed "Enrollment Snapshots" that share dozens of data points on every school, including their demand, demographics, and trends over time.  Each year, our team met with new school leaders to walk through this sometimes complicated information to help them strategize ways to use this to help their school community.

An additional example is the annual SchoolChoice Analysis that looked at match rates and participation rates from Round 1.  A unified lottery process can sometimes feel like a "Man Behind the Curtain" is deciding the fate of school assignments, so I was happy to share our raw data files with numerous external researchers to ensure our results were sound.  Those researchers include CRPE, MIT, CU-Denver

Brian Eschbacher