
These are sample publicly-available work products.

Socieconomic Integration Programs

In 2016, I led a process to engage school leaders and their Collaborative School Committees (CSC) to consider joining a pilot program that would prioritize students qualifying for free or reduced price lunch (FRL) in the SchoolChoice process.  2017 furthered this pilot program, which now supports socioeconomic integration at more than 30 of the most affluent schools in the city.  I am proud that the program was entirely voluntarily, so it gained greater buy-in from local communities, instead of being a "top-down" initiative.  As a result of the program, more than 500 lower-income students are now attending high-performing schools, while reducing the level of segregation in Denver.

In 2017, I wrote a blog post for the Brookings Institution about our work.

Brian Eschbacher